Best Online Colleges with Online Degrees in Military Studies

Colleges With Online Degrees in Military Studies

A career in military service has always been esteemed and revered. Pursuing an online degree in military studies can open doors to fulfilling and impactful opportunities for those driven by a passion for national security, strategic planning, and leadership. This article will explore the best online colleges and universities offering military studies degree programs in 2023. We will delve into the diverse subjects covered in these programs and highlight the career options for graduates.

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Moreover, we will provide insights into the salary prospects for those with a Bachelor’s in Military Studies degree. Let’s explore the exciting possibilities that await individuals interested in this field.

The Importance of Military Studies in 2023

A Noble Career Choice

Choosing a career in military studies means dedicating oneself to the nation’s service. Military professionals play a vital role in safeguarding national security and protecting the country’s interests. Their dedication and expertise contribute to maintaining peace and stability in an ever-changing global landscape.

Diverse Subjects in Military Studies

The field of military studies encompasses a wide range of subjects, including historical analyses of past conflicts, geopolitical dynamics, and contemporary warfare strategies. Students pursuing online bachelor’s degree programs in military studies gain access to a comprehensive curriculum that delves into military principles, international relations, and ethical considerations in armed engagements.

Benefits of Online Degree Programs

Online military studies or military science degree programs offer a perfect blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. These programs empower graduates to assume roles within various military branches, intelligence agencies, defense organizations, and diplomatic arenas. Through state-of-the-art virtual classrooms and interactive modules, military science students collaborate with experienced faculty who bring real-world insights to the learning process. The virtual environment enables a dynamic exchange of ideas, fostering an engaging and intellectually stimulating educational experience.

Career Options for Graduates of Bachelor in Military Studies

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Military Officers in Various Branches

Graduates with a Bachelor’s in Military Studies can pursue officer roles in various military branches, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. As military officers, they hold leadership positions and are responsible for strategic planning, decision-making, and ensuring their units’ overall readiness and effectiveness.

Military Intelligence Analysts

Military intelligence analysts play a crucial role in gathering and interpreting data on potential threats, enemy activities, and global developments. They use sophisticated techniques and tools to provide valuable insights that aid military decision-making.

Roles in Special Operations Units

Graduates with specialized training in military studies can join elite special operations units, such as the Army’s Special Forces (Green Berets), Navy SEALs, or Air Force Special Tactics teams. These units are tasked with carrying out high-risk missions and conducting unconventional warfare.

Military Strategists

Military strategists develop long-term plans and tactics to achieve military objectives. They analyze historical conflicts, study geopolitical dynamics, and use their expertise to formulate effective military strategies.

Military Diplomats

Military diplomats combine military knowledge with diplomatic skills to engage in negotiations, international relations, and peacekeeping efforts. They play a vital role in fostering cooperation and resolving conflicts.

Defense Analysts

Defense analysts work in government and private sectors to assess military capabilities, threats, and vulnerabilities. They provide recommendations for enhancing national defense and security measures.

Security Consultants

Graduates can work as security consultants, assisting organizations in developing security protocols and strategies to protect against potential threats.

Intelligence Specialists

Intelligence specialists gather, analyze, and disseminate intelligence data to support military operations and decision-making.

Military Historians

Military historians study past conflicts and events to gain insights into historical strategies, tactics, and outcomes. They contribute to understanding military history and its impact on the present.

Public Policy Analysts

Public policy analysts with a background in military studies can assess and develop policies related to defense, national security, and foreign affairs.

Crisis Management Specialists

Crisis management specialists play a critical role in planning and responding to emergencies and disaster situations, ensuring the safety and security of the public.

International Relations Specialists

Graduates can pursue careers as international relations specialists, working in diplomatic circles and collaborating with global organizations to address military and security concerns internationally.

Salary Prospects for Graduates with a Bachelor in Military Studies Degree

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Emergency Management Directors

Emergency management directors oversee disaster response and preparedness efforts, including coordinating emergency services and resources. They ensure communities are ready to handle various crises and disasters.

Commissioned Officers (US Army)

Commissioned officers in the US Army hold leadership positions and receive a higher salary than enlisted personnel. Their pay is determined by their rank and years of service.

Army Intelligence Analysts

Army intelligence analysts use intelligence data to support military operations. Their salaries vary based on their experience and expertise in the field.

Private Sector Intelligence Analysts

Private sector intelligence analysts work for corporations or consulting firms, providing intelligence and security analysis. Salaries depend on the specific industry and job role.


Historians specializing in military history can work in academia, government agencies, or research institutions. Salaries vary based on their qualifications and job responsibilities.

Security Consultants

Security consultants assess security risks and develop strategies to safeguard organizations. Their earnings can vary depending on their client base and project scope.

Veterans Service Officers

Veterans service officers assist military veterans in accessing benefits and services. Their employment organizations and geographical location determine their salaries.

Top 5 Online Bachelors in Military Studies Programs

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Columbia Southern University

Columbia Southern University offers online Bachelor of Science in Military Studies programs with three concentrations: Intelligence, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity. The university is accredited by the SACSCOC and is known for its high-quality education and affordable tuition rates. It also offers various financial aid options, including scholarships and military benefits.

Hawai’i Pacific University

Hawai’i Pacific University offers an online Bachelor of Science Major in Diplomacy and Military Studies. This program equips students with strong international relations, history, and political science foundation. WASC Senior College and University Commission accredits the university.

Liberty University

Liberty University’s 100% online Bachelor of Science in Military Studies offers four specializations: History, International Security, Professional, and Resiliency. The SACSCOC accredits the university and provides various benefits to military students, including discounted tuition and free electronic textbooks.

American Millitary University

American Military University offers an online Bachelor of Arts in Military History program focusing on historical perspectives, significant battles, war technology, military leadership, and more. The university is part of the American Public University System and is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Norfolk State University

Norfolk State University offers online Bachelor of Arts in History degrees with concentrations in Military Science (NAVY) and Military Science (ARMY). The SACSCOC accredits the university and provides various resources, including access to the Lyman Beecher Brooks Library.

Methodology for Selecting Top Online Military Studies Programs

The selected online military studies programs were evaluated based on their reputation, accreditation, faculty expertise, and student reviews.

Program Specializations

We considered the variety of program specializations each university offers, allowing students to tailor their education to their career goals.

Virtual Learning Platforms

The effectiveness of the online learning platforms, user-friendly interfaces, and interactive elements were essential in selecting the top programs.

Real-world Military Experience of Instructors

Programs with faculty members possessing real-world military experience and field expertise were preferred.

Accreditation and Quality Assurance

All universities listed are accredited by recognized accrediting bodies, ensuring the quality and credibility of the education provided.

Pursuing a degree in military studies opens doors to a noble and impactful career. The online programs offered by various universities provide students with a comprehensive understanding of military operations, historical context, and strategic planning. Graduates can embark on diverse career paths within the military, intelligence agencies, and private sectors. The top online colleges also ensure a high-quality learning experience through virtual classrooms and experienced faculty members. The future of military studies looks promising, and these programs equip students with the knowledge and skills to make a significant difference in the world.


What are Military Studies Degrees?

Military Studies degrees are academic programs studying military history, strategies, operations, and leadership. These degrees provide students with a comprehensive understanding of martial principles, international relations, and historical perspectives. The curriculum may cover military technology, national security, conflict resolution, and military leadership. Graduates with a degree in Military Studies can pursue careers in the military, defense organizations, intelligence agencies, or related fields.

How can I choose an online-friendly military college?

  • Choosing an online-friendly military college involves considering several factors:
  • Accreditation: Ensure that a recognized accrediting agency accredits the college. Accreditation ensures that the institution meets specific quality standards and that employers and other institutions will recognize your degree.
  • Online Learning Platform: Look for a college that offers a user-friendly and reliable online learning platform. Check for features like interactive virtual classrooms, access to course materials, and communication tools for students and faculty.
  • Faculty Experience: Find out about the faculty’s online teaching experience and background in military studies or related fields. Experienced instructors can enhance your learning experience.
  • Support Services: Look for colleges that offer robust student support services, including academic advising, technical support, and access to resources like online libraries and tutoring.
  • Flexibility: Consider the flexibility of the online programs in terms of course schedules and the ability to take courses at your own pace, especially if you are on active military duty.
  • Military Benefits: Some military-friendly colleges may offer specific benefits for military personnel, veterans, and their families, such as tuition assistance, credit for military training, and scholarships.

Can I do online college while in the military?

Yes, you can pursue an online college degree while serving in the military. Many universities and colleges offer flexible online degree programs that cater to active-duty military personnel’s needs. Online education allows you to study from anywhere with an internet connection and provides the flexibility to balance your military duties with your academic pursuits.

Before enrolling in an online program, it’s essential to ensure that the college is military-friendly and the program aligns with your career goals and interests. Additionally, check if the college accepts military tuition assistance or offers other financial benefits for military students. Online education can be a convenient option for military personnel looking to advance their education and careers while serving their country.

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