Fully Funded Scholarship to Study Abroad in the Netherlands

Study Abroad in the Netherlands

Are you considering studying abroad?

The Netherlands, with its renowned universities, vibrant culture, and high quality of life, is an excellent destination to pursue your educational aspirations.

In this article, we will delve into the opportunities and experiences of studying abroad in the Netherlands. From application procedures to study abroad programs and student perspectives, we will guide you through this exciting educational journey.

  • Category: Scholarships
  • Requirements: Male and Female Professionals
  • Eligibility: Living and working in one of the participating countries
  • Benefits: Full Tuition Fees |Visa Cost| Free roundtrip travel tickets | Health Insurance
  • Deadline: September 5th 2023 for Round 2 selection
  • Get Scholarship, Grants and Job Updates on Your Phone, Click the WhatsApp Link here
  • Opportunities at a click when you join our Facebook community here

Why Study Abroad in the Netherlands?

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The Netherlands has earned a stellar reputation for its world-class education system. Renowned universities, innovative teaching methods, and a wide range of study programs attract students from all over the globe. Here are some compelling reasons why studying abroad in the Netherlands could be the perfect choice for you:

1. Academic Excellence

Dutch universities are consistently ranked among the top institutions worldwide. They uphold rigorous academic standards, ensuring that students receive a high-quality education. Professors and lecturers are experts in their fields, providing students with valuable insights and the latest advancements in their respective disciplines.

2. Multicultural Environment

The Netherlands is known for its welcoming and inclusive society. As an international student, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a multicultural environment, interact with students from various backgrounds, and broaden your global perspective. This cultural diversity fosters understanding, tolerance, and the development of valuable interpersonal skills.

3. English-Taught Programs

One of the significant advantages of studying in the Netherlands is the extensive range of English-taught programs. Most universities offer a wide selection of undergraduate and postgraduate courses taught entirely in English, eliminating language barriers and making it accessible for international students.

4. Cutting-Edge Research Opportunities

The Netherlands is at the forefront of scientific research and innovation. Studying in this dynamic environment provides you with opportunities to engage in groundbreaking research projects, collaborate with leading experts, and contribute to advancements in your field of study.

5. High Quality of Life

With its picturesque landscapes, cycling-friendly cities, and strong commitment to sustainability, the Netherlands offers an exceptional quality of life. Its efficient public transportation, well-designed infrastructure, and cultural attractions make it an exciting and livable destination for international students.

The Benefits of Studying Abroad in the Netherlands

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Studying abroad in the Netherlands offers numerous benefits that go beyond academics. Here are some advantages you can expect to gain from this experience:

1. Personal Growth and Independence

Studying abroad requires stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new challenges. It fosters personal growth, independence, and self-reliance. Living and studying in a foreign country helps you develop resilience, adaptability, and a global mindset.

2. Cultural Immersion

Immersing yourself in Dutch culture allows you to experience a rich heritage and vibrant traditions. From exploring historic landmarks to participating in local festivals, you will have the opportunity to embrace a unique cultural experience and form lasting connections with people from different backgrounds.

3. Language Skills

While English is widely spoken in the Netherlands, learning Dutch can enhance your cultural integration and create more opportunities for social interactions. Many universities offer Dutch language courses, allowing you to develop language skills and gain a deeper understanding of the local culture.

4. Networking and Professional Development

Studying abroad provides a platform for building a global network of friends, mentors, and future colleagues. This international network can open doors to exciting career opportunities and collaborations in the future. Additionally, some Dutch universities have strong ties with industries, offering internships and research opportunities that can boost your professional development.

How to Study Abroad in the Netherlands

Embarking on a study abroad journey in the Netherlands requires careful planning and preparation. Here are the essential steps to guide you through the process:

1. Researching Universities and Programs

Start by researching Dutch universities and the programs they offer. Consider factors such as academic reputation, program content, faculty expertise, and available resources. Websites like Study in Holland and Nuffic provide comprehensive information about universities and study options.

2. Meeting Admission Requirements

Review the admission requirements for your chosen program. Ensure you meet the academic prerequisites, language proficiency requirements, and any additional criteria specified by the university. Some programs may require standardized test scores, such as the TOEFL or IELTS for English proficiency.

3. Applying for Scholarships and Financial Aid

Investigate scholarship opportunities and financial aid options available for international students. Many universities and organizations in the Netherlands offer scholarships to support talented individuals. Explore websites like Grantfinder and Netherlands Fellowship Programs for information on scholarship opportunities.

4. Obtaining a Student Visa

To study in the Netherlands, you will likely need a student visa or residence permit. Visit the official Dutch government website to learn about visa requirements, application procedures, and necessary documents. Start the visa application process well in advance to allow ample time for processing.

Study Abroad Programs in the Netherlands

The Netherlands offers a wide range of study abroad programs tailored to suit diverse academic interests. Whether you seek a semester-long exchange program or a full-degree program, you will find options that cater to your needs. Some prominent study abroad programs in the Netherlands include:

  1. Erasmus+
  2. IAESTE Netherlands
  3. Study Abroad in Amsterdam

These programs provide opportunities for cultural immersion, academic enrichment, and personal growth.

Tips for a Successful Study Abroad Experience

To make the most of your study abroad experience in the Netherlands, here are some essential tips:

  1. Embrace cultural differences and be open to new experiences.
  2. Take advantage of language courses to learn Dutch and engage with locals.
  3. Participate in extracurricular activities and join student organizations to expand your network.
  4. Travel and explore the country’s rich cultural heritage during your free time.
  5. Seek support from university international offices and connect with fellow international students for guidance and support.

Remember, studying abroad is not just about academics but also personal growth and cultural immersion.

Studying Abroad in the Netherlands: Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I study in English in the Netherlands?

Yes, many universities in the Netherlands offer English-taught programs, making it accessible for international students.

2. How do I apply for a study program in the Netherlands?

You can apply directly to the university or through centralized application platforms like Studielink or Uni-Assist.

3. Are there scholarships available for international students in the Netherlands?

Yes, there are numerous scholarships available for international students, both from the Dutch government and individual universities. Visit the Nuffic website for detailed information.

4. Can I work while studying in the Netherlands?

International students are allowed to work part-time alongside their studies, typically up to 16 hours per week.

5. How is the cost of living in the Netherlands for international students?

The cost of living in the Netherlands may vary depending on the city and lifestyle. It is advisable to plan a budget considering accommodation, transportation, food, and other expenses.

Fully Funded Scholarship to Study Abroad in Netherlands

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The Orange Knowledge Programme is a scholarship scheme funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to promote sustainable and inclusive development in specific countries. It offers scholarships to mid-career professionals for short courses lasting two weeks to seven months or master’s programmes lasting 12 to 24 months.

Please be aware that the list of countries included in the scholarship program may change and has not yet been revised. Historically, individuals who are citizens of and employed in the following nations have been eligible for an OKP scholarship.

Orange Knowledge Programme Scholarship Eligibility:

Eligible candidates are motivated professionals living and working in one of the participating countries, proficient in English or French, and working in one of the priority areas for their country.


A restricted number of scholarships are given to motivated male and female professionals who meet the following criteria:

  • They reside and work in an OKP country
  • Have proficiency in either English or French
  • Work in one of the priority areas of their country
  • Are willing to transfer and apply their gained knowledge and experience in their workplace after completing their studies and agree to the specified obligations and conditions.

 OKP scholarship 2023 deadline:

The deadline for application round 2 is from 28 June to 5 September for courses starting after 1 February 2024.

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